Imagine waking up with the sun...the birds are singing just for you. A breeze blows through your Balinese-style bungalow perched high in the jungle. You stretch and smile. You awaken early not because you have to but because you want to relish every minute of the day. Its filled with everything that makes you feel alive and happy from beginning to end. I believe this is how we get to create our lives. Come join me for seven days and begin to embody your dream life.
“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.”
~Alan Watts
Why this trip is for you...
This Unique and Intense Retreat is brought only to those who truly understand the importance and power of traveling to the inner depths of their being with a community of like-minded people and with Master Teacher and Medicine Woman,
Keely Spell, who is an expert in helping people live authentically and find joy in all areas of life through awareness, sacred shamanic journeys, intuitive energy work and more.
You will receive your personal attunement, energy clearings, plus shamanic and energetic healings in the high vibrations of Costa Rica. You will clear your creativity blocks, mind-overlay programs and be supported in the manifestation of the life of your dreams.
You will discover your inner power once again. We will incorporate yoga, high vibrational foods, pranayama, meditations and various initiations to aid in reducing stress, reverse aging, gain clarity for your purpose and jump start your life with a new energy.
In a nutshell...Its gonna be amazeballs!!!
NOVEMBER 3RD - 10TH 2018
Breathtaking accommodations at...
The Imiloa Institute
Visit Site
What will you learn & experience...
Discover the art of authentic being
Clear your energetic channels
Learn mindful meditation
Planetary Grid-work
Womb work for both men and woman
Begin communicating with your guides
Integrate and anchor new codes
Learn the Secrets of manifestation prosperity
Learn conscious communication and language skills
Balance all your subtle bodies with deep breath-work
Clear yourself from implants and negative energies
Receive clarity on discovering and manifesting your desires
Learn to tap into your inner power and Creative Life-Force
Activations through channeled healings
Etheric Blueprint upgrades
Clear destructive karmic programs
Fall in love with yourself
Make lasting friendships & deep connections
Quantum Energy Healing Ceremonies
Ceremony Integration and Coaching
Energy Attunements and Clearings
Daily Yoga
Daily Meditation Practice
Three High-Vibration Vegan Meals Daily
Community, Music, Love, and Laughter
Not Included
Transport to Imiloa Institute