Happy New Year!!!
What are you PASSIONATE about?

Finding our life's purpose is something that we all strive for. I have come to believe whole-heartedly that the key to finding your calling is to turn what you are passionate about into a way to help other people and earn a living as well! I know that listening to my heart is the key to happiness. When I am giving of myself to another person or the universe at large, I am making a contribution. In turn, I receive a value exchange for giving from my heart space. You can too!
So today, on this first day of 2016, I would like to help you discover your passion and life's purpose or at least get on your way.
Today, I want you to run through a quick little exercise:
1 - Grab a notebook or sheet of paper and write down 3 things that you are passionate about. (Mine are: Learning, Travel, Wellness)
Try asking yourself these questions:
What do I do most of the time?
What do I keep on trying to do?
What draws me?
If I could do one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?
What do I love to do?
What would I do, even if I didn’t get paid to do it?
What makes me feel like nothing else exists?
What activity makes me feel completely in my element?
What am I doing when I feel “right” or “beautiful” or “connected”?
If money were no object, what would I spend my time doing?
2 - Brainstorm some ways that you can turn one (or all) of those passions into a way to help others.
3 - Take just ONE of those ideas and set yourself a goal to put it into motion.
I see you. I love you. You deserve to be happy!!!