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What is a Mentor?

By definition: an experienced and trusted adviser. Mentoring is a collaborative, mutually beneficial partnership between a Mentor (who possesses greater skills, knowledge and experience) and a Protégé who is looking to increase his or her skills, knowledge. 


What is Spiritual Life Coaching?

Spiritual Life coaching is a tool to help you make positive changes in your life. It enables you to evaluate the choices and options that are open to you, and then turn that understanding into concrete action.


In other words, I will help you focus on achieving the goals and dreams that are important to you…even if you don’t know what they are just yet!


As your Spiritual Life Coach I can help you:


·        discover and manifest your dreams and desires

·        live authentically and flow with your experience of life

·        understand and celebrate the things you truly value

·        design your life with passion, purpose, and power

·        find your value and heal your life from the inside out

·        experience feelings of incredible lightness and joy

·        break old patterns and create new ones which enable transformation



Do I Have to be Religious to Benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching?

No, not at all. Spiritual Life Coaching isn’t about religion. It doesn’t matter what religion you do or don’t belong to. Spiritual Life Coaching is concerned with that unseen power that makes you alive: your spirit. It doesn’t matter if you use the words God, The Divine Presence, Higher Self, Holy Spirit, Universal Mind, Cosmic Consciousness, or no particular word at all. Regardless of what you call this inner voice or presence, Spiritual Life Coaching is about expanding the natural power that resides there. As a Spiritual Life Coach, my job is to encourage you to discover what you truly desire, help expand your vision of what is possible in your life, by finding your own truth about your very personal experience here on earth.


How Does Spiritual Life Coaching work?

Coaching is a one-on-one conversation where we connect and I truly listen to your thoughts and ideas and then ask you questions that help you to think and make good decisions about what steps to take next. Above all, Spiritual Life Coaching is about taking action. I get to help youput your decisions and plans in motion. Even from our very first session together we will get you moving! No matter which coaching option you choose, you will leave with a concrete set of steps to start you on the next phase of your life’s journey. Spiritual Life Coaching is about cutting through the blocks that hold you back from living a truly happy life in each moment.


My one-to-one coaching sessions takes place over the phone or on computer call and since location poses no problems, I coach in all times zones! All you need is a phone and a comfortable, quiet space where you can talk and not be disturbed. You can relax and have your session in the comfort of your own home.


How Do I Know if Coaching is Right For Me?

Most of the people I work with are quite successful in many areas of their lives, but simply have a few areas that just aren’t going the way they want. The one thing they all have in common is that they are all motivated individuals who are ready and willing to think and do things differently in order to get different results.


In short, you’re ready to work with me if you have a desire for something more....something better. You are ready the moment you knew something was missing deep down inside. 








Why do I highly recommend a 3 month Commitment?

If you’re really ready for a change, I want you to jump in and make a 90 day commitment. This isn’t a financial commitment, it’s a psychological one. There is more to the amount of time and I will explain that to you personally when we chat.


To use a poker term, a 90 day commitment means you’re “all in” and ready to give it everything you got to make this change work, and to really make it stick. It means you understand that Spiritual Life Coaching is an investment in your future. Will I do less time? Of course but I encourage the 90 days. Change takes time.


After 90 days, you can decide whether you want to continue. Only you will know when it is time to end. And although I’ll be sad to see you go, I’ll be thrilled to see you flying solo and well on your way to creating the life you dream of experiencing.









A mentor or coach is for anyone

who wants to create a better life.



Live your life doing things that make your soul feel good.

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